The Rhythmic Ritual

Move through your story to find the truth.

Start simply. Get into the body. Ask yourself what you want.

When you are a sensitive, creative woman, it's so easy to be swallowed up by other people's expectations...and their energy. It takes time to separate what they want from what you need. This is a first step.

It's so understandable if you are struggling with:    
  • Self-doubt
  • Waiting for your life to start
  • Finding your purpose
  • Wondering what to do next
  • Feeling stuck or trapped in your own life

We aren't taught to trust ourselves. We aren't taught to listen to our own inner voices.

It is my sincere hope that you use this movement practice & these prompts to stop hiding and start trusting; to reflect on your deepest in-the-moment truths and reveal the wisest parts of yourself.

If you write to the prompts and do the embodiment practice inside The Rhythmic Ritual daily (or even weekly), you might finally unravel what your deepest longings have been trying to tell you all along.

This is my story.

I created The Rhythmic Ritual because I know what it’s like to be brought down to the floor in grief after years of denying my own needs and desires, after years of holding EVERYTHING inside my body.

I know the prompts in this course work because they worked for me. I know the embodiment practice shifted something in me. These simple practices helped me connect with my in-the-moment truths. They helped me see myself more clearly. They stripped me raw at times. They brought me peace and healing.

The Rhythmic Ritual gave me back my voice. 

What would it feel like to:
  • Find your own creative rhythm (not one you've read in books but yours)
  • Get closer to your purpose and unveil your own creative vision
  • Feel a deep self-compassion for the parts of yourself that used to feel broken
  •  Trust yourself
  •  Trust yourself
  •  Trust yourself

That last one.

That’s the one that matters so much more than worldly goals because goals have never been your thing. Depth and beauty. Truth and connection. Healing.

How is a tiny movement practice going to help? What do journaling prompts have to do with your actual life?  

Because…what you want matters.

Hello, I'm Holly

After 30 years of exploring my own depths through creative writing, music making, somatic movement, studying every personality book I could find, and making plenty of mistakes that I absolutely do not regret, I’ve developed rhythmic rituals like this to support my innately sensitive and perpetually longing self to feel better in my body.

I also identify as a highly-sensitive empath / INFP / Enneagram 4 (this feels really important for you to know). I created The Rhythmic Ritual as a touchpoint, a place you can come back to again and again just like I have.


Q:  How long before I start trusting myself?

A:  This is a BIG question, and I’m not going to lie. It can take a long time to feel the effects of daily practice. I had to write to these prompts every day for a month or two before I started to feel like I had any momentum. This is a process…one that I hope you will continue with me even when it feels hard. I’m here to support you. And I believe that you WILL get there…with practice.  

Q: How much time will this take every day?

A: The beautiful thing about this list of prompts is that you can pick and choose. If you have 5 minutes, write to the first three prompts. Or you can set aside 20-60 minutes to sink DEEP into each prompt and write as long as you need.  You can also choose to do the embodiment practice and let that sink in. Make it yours.

Q:  Do you offer refunds?

A:  Since this is a low-cost digital program, there will be no refunds after purchase. However, I would LOVE your feedback so that I can improve and enhance this experience. When I do, just email me, and I'll send you the updated version. Also, look for special offers to go deeper into this work with me.  

Who is The Rhythmic Ritual for?

Sensitive Empaths, Enneagram 4s, INFP/Js

You are my soul people. It's heartbreaking sometimes to live in this noisy, intrusive world with your sensitive nervous system and tender heart. It's also beautiful. I hope these prompts help you navigate the space between and find your version of beautiful. 

Writers and other Creative Dreamers.

You have so many ideas! And, sometimes, you're scared and unsure about whether or not you are brave enough to put your work out into the world. I sincerely hope these prompts will help you come home to yourself so that you can create - and share - your masterpieces.  

Midlife Women (and any women in transition)

Change: one of life's most profound and transformative times. Suddenly, you wake up and wonder what happened to the life you had planned. And you KNOW something is going to have to change. My sincerest hope is that these prompts help you find the answer to "what now?" 

And remember…

 I've created this course to be EASY.  

Start by watching the short video or listening to the brief audio introduction (you really only need to do this once)

Join me for a brief embodiment practice

Open up the writing prompts and write until you are done writing  

Come home to yourself and your deepest longings again and again. Step forward from there.